Legal Notice

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the general information of the URL_WEB website is provided below.

1. Entity


2. Use of the Web Site

The Web site is offered for promotional purposes, informing about the different services offered by NOMBRE_SOCIEDAD__S.L., company dedicated to provide services of LISTING_SERVICES. NOMBRE_SOCIEDAD_OCIEDAD_S.L., may stop providing the information services offered on this website without any communication with the user, which does not entail any legal obligation to the user or third parties.

3. Privacy

The information provided by NOMBRE_SOCIEDAD_S.L. may collect from users of this website will be used exclusively to provide information to interested parties who so request and/or to answer any queries deemed appropriate by the user. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

4. Links to Third Parties

In the case of links to third party sites, the user will be governed by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the new site, accepting that NOMBRE_SOCIEDAD_S.L., will not be responsible or have any legal obligation for the use of such sites.

5. Intellectual Property

NOMBRE_SOCIEDAD_S.L., by itself or as assignee or licensee, is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of the elements that make up this website, being thus all rights reserved. It is expressly prohibited conduct such as reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the total or partial availability of the contents of this website for commercial purposes in accordance with Articles 8 and 21 of the Intellectual Property Law. The user of the web in any case can visualize the elements and contents of this web and can print them, store them and even copy them in any support, as long as they are destined to strictly personal and private use.

6. Terms of use and liability

The user of the NOMBRE_SOCIEDAD_S.L. website agrees to use this website in accordance with the law, morality and public order. That we can specify in the following behaviors that the user must refrain from doing: Unauthorized use or fraudulent use of the website. Attempting unauthorized access by its legitimate owner. Any use of the web portal for illicit purposes, or harmful to third parties or with the intention of harming the site and other users of the same. Produce any damage to the systems that this website may have installed for its operation. The owner of NOMBRE_SOCIEDAD_S.L., will only be responsible for those contents created and added by himself, not links that may incorporate third parties, or those external links that redirect to another website that certainly does not control its alteration. The owner reserves the right to make any alterations it deems appropriate without notice, both of its contents and the services it offers. It also reserves the right to approve or remove content that does not consider appropriate added by third parties.

7. Modifications to the Terms of Use

NOMBRE_SOCIEDAD_S.L., reserves the right to modify its terms of use and Privacy Policy when deemed appropriate. The user is obliged to review the content of these terms of use, as they can be modified without notice. Likewise, the user understands and accepts each and every one of the clauses contained in this document. It is the sole responsibility of the user to review the aforementioned terms.

8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any matter related to the services of this Portal, shall be Spanish law. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise on the occasion of the visit to the Portal or the use of the contents that may be published therein, these shall be settled in the corresponding Courts and Tribunals.