Neurological physiotherapy in Malaga

What does adult neurological physiotherapy consist of?

Physiotherapy in neurology is a specialized discipline that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of neurological disorders, such as stroke, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other conditions affecting the central and peripheral nervous system.
The main goal of physical therapy in this context is to improve physical functionality, promote independence and enhance the quality of life of patients.
Our neurorehabilitation programs include specific exercises and neurological techniques adapted to the patient’s individual needs to facilitate recovery and reintegration into daily life activities. How can we help you?

fisioterapia neurológica malaga

Pathologies treated with neurological physiotherapy

Physiotherapy in Parkinson's disease

In Parkinson’s disease, physical therapy focuses on improving gait, posture, motor function, and treating stiffness and balance problems.
Strengthening exercises, gait training and manual therapy are used to maintain joint mobility and promote long-term independence.

fisioterapia neurológica malaga

Stroke and other cerebrovascular lesions

In the case of stroke, physiotherapy is crucial from the outset to maximize functional recovery.
It includes rehabilitating mobility, balance and coordination, and preventing secondary conditions such as spasticity, muscle weakness and pain.

fisioterapia neurológica malaga

Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases

In Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, neurological neurological rehabilitation focuses on maintaining physical function and preventing the loss of motor skills, including cognitive, balance and relaxation exercises to improve the quality of life of the patient and their caregivers.

fisioterapia neurológica malaga

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that impacts the central nervous system, causing muscle weakness, walking difficulties and coordination problems.

fisioterapia neurológica malaga

Spinal cord injuries

A spinal cord injury can result in paralysis and alterations in sensation.
neurological rehabilitation is essential to improve motor function and prevent long-term disability.

fisioterapia neurológica malaga

Neurological rehabilitation for wellness

Neurorehabilitation is essential to improve physical functionality, generate a healthy emotional state, promote autonomy and improve the quality of life of patients with neurological disorders.
We also advise and accompany our patients and families in all their needs to make the home a place to live without difficulties or obstacles, thus promoting a good quality of life.

Objectives of our neurological rehabilitation in adults

Through interventions designed to preserve physical functionality our physiotherapists in Malaga focus on:

Improve mobility and coordination.

Increased sensitivity.

Gaining autonomy inside and outside the home.

Promotes physical and emotional well-being.

Meet our team of neurological physiotherapists in Malaga

Our goal is your health in your own home

Gonzalo Igueño Cortés

Graduated in Physical Education, Hearing and Language and Physiotherapy from the University of Malaga.
With membership number 6615 by the Illustrious College of Physiotherapists of Andalusia, he specializes in child and adult neurology, dry needling in neurological and muscular injuries, musculoskeletal pathologies, aquatic, geriatric and oncological physiotherapy, yoga and therapeutic pilates.


Juan Fran Parejo

Diploma in Physiotherapy in 2005 in Madrid.
He is a member number 3053 of the Illustrious College of Physiotherapists of Andalusia and is specialized in musculoskeletal pathologies, traumatology, geriatrics and chronic pain education.
In addition, he has experience in the treatment of patients with neurological and oncological conditions.


Yves Lenfant

Graduated in Physiotherapy in 2013 from the University of Malaga.
With membership number 5644 by the Illustrious College of Physiotherapists of Andalusia, he specializes in musculoskeletal injuries, traumatology, neurology, geriatrics, sports injuries, chronic pain, oncology…


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