Physio Malaga at home

Who are we?

Who we are

In Fisio Málaga Domicilio, we bring to your home our know-how and clinical experience, we understand our treatments and sessions as a way to accompany you, in a professional and close way, to improve your quality of life and restore and generate health in processes of disease-pathology and aging.
We like to work and promote a climate of trust as it is the appropriate and optimal context for a satisfactory result in the treatment.

We attend all areas of the person (psychological, physical and emotional), so we are a team of different specialists to make a more complete approach.Physiotherapy at home offers us the possibility to get closer to your needs and to know how you perform your needs and to know how you perform in the basic activities of your body. to help you carry them out without difficulty and with autonomy.
Our defining trait is empathy towards the person being treated and his or her family, listening, and the family situation, which we know from experience that is affected, due to the complexity and misalignment it can cause in management and day-to-day organization.

Therefore, as a transdisciplinary team we help you in all aspects and technical adaptations that you may need to make your daily life easier and with more well-being (advice: for your comfortable and therapeutic rest, hygiene and grooming, posture and nutrition, mobility (walker, crutches, wheelchairs, orthotics, ….).

For all this YOUR HEALTH in your home is our goal, we accompany you to your WELLNESS.

FMD is the result of the bond that we have as a friendship to the point of sharing our professional field as physiotherapy.

Our team

Gonzalo Igueño Cortés (Nº 6615)

I began my studies in Physiotherapy, after training as a teacher of Physical Education and Hearing and Language, all at the University of Malaga.
When I finished my Physiotherapy Degree I realized that I closed a therapeutic circle that encompasses: movement and physical activity, treatment, disability, manual therapy and teaching.
I mention teaching because I understand Physiotherapy not only as treatment, but also as health education, hence the importance of teaching my patients to take care of themselves.
This is how I found my true vocation, which I enjoy and learn every day.
With training in different areas of physiotherapy, neurology was the one that caught my attention, so I worked for eight years in the center AMAPPACE (cerebral palsy) performing physiotherapy and hydrotherapy with children and adults with CP and other pathologies.
In addition, driven by my desire to learn and acquire new experiences I worked in several private clinics and with patients in their homes.
After this nourishing and enriching time I decided to focus on home physiotherapy, accompanying and treating people with different neurological pathologies and promoting an active, healthy and dignified aging, offering closeness and professionalism.

Juan Fran Parejo (Nº 3053)

My encounter with Physiotherapy arose at a very early age, due to several sports injuries and different post-surgical rehabilitation processes.
It was there where my curiosity for the human body began and later on I started studying for a diploma in Physiotherapy.

My personal restlessness and my desire to learn about different cultures, led me after a few years of work experience in Spain to go to France and start my profession there.
During those years I trained in myofascial therapy, muscle chains and osteopathic manual therapy.
I acquired a long work experience in the field of French private clinics and especially in the home service in physiotherapy where I was forged in empathy, understanding the pain of my patients and trying to promote health and prevention among other values.

My return to Malaga a few years ago, lead me to continue training in orthopedic manual therapy, movement and fluidity, therapeutic exercise and dry needling.
I have combined my work in the public sector, private clinics and home service.
It is in the latter where I have developed my activity, learning from my patients about their needs and adapting to their homes, making them their treatment and wellness space for their health.

Yves Lenfant (No. 5644)

I began my studies in Physiotherapy after studying a humanities degree at the University of Paris X Nanterre, which led me to work as a translator-interpreter, a job in which I was not happy.

While working as a translator I trained in manual therapies and acupuncture, until I finally took the leap and graduated in Physiotherapy at the University of Malaga in 2013.

I spent the first five years of my career as a physiotherapist working in a clinic in La Cala del Moral, where Javier, a great professional, taught me his clinical experience.
It was a great push in my development as a physiotherapist, covering specialties such as musculoskeletal injuries, traumatology, neurology, geriatrics, sports injuries, chronic pain, oncology…

Subsequently, since 2018, my predilection for the accompaniment of elderly people and people with difficult to cure pathologies led me to practice as a home physiotherapist where these patients are law.
In my task, according to each case and each moment, I use manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, dry needling, electro-puncture, acupuncture applied to physiotherapy and apitherapy in case of acute and inflammatory and chronic pain, as well as a good dose of humor.

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